Index of values

(/+) [TelegramActions]
Chains two commands together (do one, then the other)
(/>) [TelegramActions]
Pipes one command into the next (do one, and use its result)
(<$>) [TelegramApi.Result]
Map Successes through the given function
(>>=) [TelegramApi.Result]
Bind Successes through the given function

answer_callback_query [TelegramActions]
answer_callback_query [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Answer a callback query sent from an inline keyboard
answer_inline_query [TelegramActions]
answer_inline_query [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Answers between 1 to 50 inline queries

callback [TelegramApi.BOT]
The function to call on callback queries
callback [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
The callback query handler for the bot
callback [Telegram.BotDefaults]
channel_chat_created [TelegramApi.BOT]
Called whenever a chat turns into a channel
channel_chat_created [Telegram.BotDefaults]
command_postfix [TelegramApi.BOT]
An optional postfix to require after commands, usually the bots username (so /hello
command_postfix [Telegram.BotDefaults]
commands [TelegramApi.BOT]
The list of commands that the bot will be able to use
commands [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
A list of all commands supported by the bot
commands [Telegram.BotDefaults]
create [TelegramApi.InlineQuery]
Create an inline_query in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.ChatMember]
Create a chat_member in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.CallbackQuery]
Create a callback_query in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.File]
Create a file in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Message]
Create a message in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.UserProfilePhotos]
Create user_profile_photos in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Venue.Out]
Create a venue in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Venue]
Create a venue in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Location.Out]
Create a location in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Location]
Create a location in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Contact.Out]
Create a contact in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Contact]
Create a contact in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Voice.Out]
Create a voice in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Voice]
Create a voice in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Video.Out]
Create a video in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Video]
Create a video in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Sticker.Out]
Create a sticker in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Sticker]
Create a sticker in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Document.Out]
Create a document in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Document]
Create a document in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Audio.Out]
Create an audio in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Audio]
Create an audio in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.PhotoSize.Out]
Create a photo_size in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.PhotoSize]
Create a photo_size in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.InlineKeyboardButton]
Create an inline_keyboard_button in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.KeyboardButton]
Create a keyboard_button in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.MessageEntity]
Create a message_entity in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.Chat]
Create a chat in a concise manner
create [TelegramApi.User]
Create a user in a concise manner
create_article [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create an Article : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_audio [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create a Voice : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_cached_audio [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Prepare an inline_query_result for sending
create_cached_document [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create a CachedVideo : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_cached_gif [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create a CachedMpeg4Gif : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_cached_mpeg4gif [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create a CachedSticker : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_cached_photo [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create a CachedGif : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_cached_sticker [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create a CachedDocument : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_cached_video [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create a CachedVoice : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_cached_voice [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create a CachedAudio : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_contact [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create a CachedPhoto : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_contact [TelegramApi.InputMessageContent]
create_document [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create a Location : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_force_reply [TelegramApi.ReplyMarkup]
Create a ForceReply : reply_markup in a concise way
create_gif [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create an Mpeg4Gif : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_inline_keyboard_markup [TelegramApi.ReplyMarkup]
Create an InlineKeyboardMarkup : reply_markup in a concise way
create_location [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create a Venue : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_location [TelegramApi.InputMessageContent]
Create a Venue : input_message_content in a concise manner
create_mpeg4gif [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create a Video : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_photo [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create a Gif : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_reply_keyboard_hide [TelegramApi.ReplyMarkup]
Create a ReplyKeyboardHide : reply_markup in a concise way
create_reply_keyboard_markup [TelegramApi.ReplyMarkup]
Create a ReplyKeyboardMarkup : reply_markup in a concise way
create_text [TelegramApi.InputMessageContent]
Create a Text : input_message_content in a concise manner
create_venue [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create a Contact : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_venue [TelegramApi.InputMessageContent]
Create a Contact : input_message_content in a concise manner
create_video [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create an Audio : inline_query_result in a concise manner
create_voice [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
Create a Document : inline_query_result in a concise manner

default [TelegramApi.Result]
Take the value of the result, if it succeeded, or the other argument by default and return that
delete_chat_photo [TelegramApi.BOT]
Called whenever a chat's photo gets deleted
delete_chat_photo [Telegram.BotDefaults]
download [TelegramApi.File]
Download the file from Telegram's servers if it exists
download_file [TelegramActions]
download_file [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Download a file that's been uploaded to Telegram's servers by the file

edit_message_caption [TelegramActions]
edit_message_caption [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Edit the caption of an existing message, selected by either the chat id, the message id, or the inline message id
edit_message_reply_markup [TelegramActions]
edit_message_reply_markup [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Edit the reply markup of an existing message, selected by either the chat id, the message id, or the inline message id.
edit_message_text [TelegramActions]
edit_message_text [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Edit an existing message, selected by either the chat id, the message id, or the inline message id
entity_type_of_string [TelegramApi.MessageEntity]
Takes the url and user fields of the record and the type field, then creates a value of type entity_type based on that

finish [TelegramActions]
Finish a sequence of commands using (/>)
forward_message [TelegramActions]
forward_message [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Forwards any message from one chat to another (can be same chat)

get_chat [TelegramActions]
get_chat [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Get the info for a given chat
get_chat_administrators [TelegramActions]
get_chat_administrators [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Get the list of admins for a given chat
get_chat_member [TelegramActions]
get_chat_member [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Get information about a certain member in the given chat
get_chat_members_count [TelegramActions]
get_chat_members_count [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Get the number of members in a given chat
get_file [TelegramActions]
get_file [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Get the information for a file that's been uploaded to Telegram's servers by the file_id
get_file' [TelegramActions]
get_file' [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Download a file that's been uploaded to Telegram's servers by the file_id
get_id [TelegramApi.Update]
Get the update_id out of an arbitrary update object
get_me [TelegramActions]
get_me [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Get the user information for the bot; use to test connection to the Telegram server
get_sender [TelegramApi.Message]
get_sender_first_name [TelegramApi.Message]
Get the first name of the user who sent the message
get_sender_username [TelegramApi.Message]
Get a formatted name for the user who sent the message: first name, with the username in parentheses if it exists
get_updates [TelegramActions]
get_updates [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Get a list of all available updates that the bot has received
get_user_profile_photos [TelegramActions]
get_user_profile_photos [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Get a given user's profile pictures
group_chat_created [TelegramApi.BOT]
Called whenever a chat turns into a group chat
group_chat_created [Telegram.BotDefaults]

inline [TelegramApi.BOT]
The function to call on inline queries
inline [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
The inline query handler for the bot
inline [Telegram.BotDefaults]
is_command [TelegramApi.Command]
Tests to see whether an update from the update queue invoked a command

kick_chat_member [TelegramActions]
kick_chat_member [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Kick/ban a given user from the given chat

leave_chat [TelegramActions]
leave_chat [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Leave a chat manually to stop receiving messages from it
left_chat_member [TelegramApi.BOT]
Called whenever a user leaves a chat
left_chat_member [Telegram.BotDefaults]
load [TelegramApi.InputFile]
Loads a file (by filename) and returns the raw bytes inside of it

migrate_from_chat_id [TelegramApi.BOT]
Called whenever a chat has been migrated from another chat id
migrate_from_chat_id [Telegram.BotDefaults]
migrate_to_chat_id [TelegramApi.BOT]
Called whenever a chat migrates to a new chat id
migrate_to_chat_id [Telegram.BotDefaults]
multipart_body [TelegramApi.InputFile]

new_chat_member [TelegramApi.BOT]
Called whenever a new user is added to or joins a chat
new_chat_member [Telegram.BotDefaults]
new_chat_photo [TelegramApi.BOT]
Called whenever a new chat photo is set or the current one is changed
new_chat_photo [Telegram.BotDefaults]
new_chat_title [TelegramApi.BOT]
Called when the title for a chat is changed
new_chat_title [Telegram.BotDefaults]
nothing [TelegramActions]

peek_update [TelegramActions]
peek_update [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Get the first available update from the update queue
pinned_message [TelegramApi.BOT]
Called whenever a certain message is pinned for a chat
pinned_message [Telegram.BotDefaults]
pop_update [TelegramActions]
pop_update [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Get the first available update from the update queue and mark it as read (deletes the update)
prepare [TelegramApi.InlineQuery.Out]
prepare [TelegramApi.InputMessageContent]
Prepare input_message_content for sending by converting it to JSON
prepare [TelegramApi.Venue.Out]
prepare [TelegramApi.Location.Out]
prepare [TelegramApi.Contact.Out]
prepare [TelegramApi.Voice.Out]
Prepare a voice for sending -- used in the case of the raw bytes
prepare [TelegramApi.Video.Out]
Prepare a video for sending -- used in the case of the raw bytes
prepare [TelegramApi.Sticker.Out]
Prepare a sticker for sending -- used in the case of the raw bytes
prepare [TelegramApi.Document.Out]
Prepare a document for sending -- used in the case of the raw bytes
prepare [TelegramApi.Audio.Out]
Prepare an audio for sending -- used in the case of the raw bytes
prepare [TelegramApi.PhotoSize.Out]
Prepare a photo_size for sending -- used in the case of the raw bytes
prepare [TelegramApi.ReplyMarkup]
prepare [TelegramApi.InlineKeyboardButton]
prepare [TelegramApi.KeyboardButton]
prepare_multipart [TelegramApi.Voice.Out]
prepare_multipart [TelegramApi.Video.Out]
prepare_multipart [TelegramApi.Sticker.Out]
prepare_multipart [TelegramApi.Document.Out]
prepare_multipart [TelegramApi.Audio.Out]
prepare_multipart [TelegramApi.PhotoSize.Out]

read [TelegramApi.Update]
Read an update out of some JSON
read [TelegramApi.InlineQuery]
read [TelegramApi.ChatMember]
read [TelegramApi.CallbackQuery]
read [TelegramApi.File]
read [TelegramApi.Message]
read [TelegramApi.UserProfilePhotos]
read [TelegramApi.Venue]
read [TelegramApi.Location]
read [TelegramApi.Contact]
read [TelegramApi.Voice]
read [TelegramApi.Video]
read [TelegramApi.Sticker]
read [TelegramApi.Document]
read [TelegramApi.Audio]
read [TelegramApi.PhotoSize]
read [TelegramApi.MessageEntity]
read [TelegramApi.Chat]
read [TelegramApi.User]
read_chosen_inline_result [TelegramApi.InlineQuery]
Read a chosen_inline_query out of some JSON
read_command [TelegramApi.Command]
Takes an optional postfix for commands (/cmd
read_type [TelegramApi.Chat]
Turn a string into a chat_type
read_update [TelegramApi.Command]
Reads a single update and, given a list of commands, matches it to a correct command that can be invoked.
resend_audio [TelegramActions]
resend_audio [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send an existing audio file (mp3) to a specified chat.
resend_document [TelegramActions]
resend_document [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send an existing document file to a specified chat.
resend_photo [TelegramActions]
resend_photo [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send an existing image file (jpeg/png) to a specified chat.
resend_sticker [TelegramActions]
resend_sticker [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send an existing sticker file (webp) to a specified chat.
resend_video [TelegramActions]
resend_video [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send an existing video (mp4/mov/webm) file to a specified chat.
resend_voice [TelegramActions]
resend_voice [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send an existing voice message (ogg) to a specified chat.
return [TelegramApi.Result]
Raise a normal value into a Success : result
run [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Run the bot with a default main loop, optionally logging the output to stdout

send_audio [TelegramActions]
send_audio [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send a new audio file (mp3) to a specified chat.
send_chat_action [TelegramActions]
send_chat_action [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send an action report to the chat, to show that a command will take some time
send_contact [TelegramActions]
send_contact [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send a contact to a specified chat
send_document [TelegramActions]
send_document [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send a new document file to a specified chat.
send_location [TelegramActions]
send_location [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send a location to a specified chat
send_message [TelegramActions]
send_message [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send a text message to a specified chat
send_photo [TelegramActions]
send_photo [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send a new image file (jpeg/png) to a specified chat.
send_sticker [TelegramActions]
send_sticker [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send a new sticker file (webp) to a specified chat.
send_venue [TelegramActions]
send_venue [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send a venue to a specified chat
send_video [TelegramActions]
send_video [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send a new video file (mp4/mov/webm) to a specified chat.
send_voice [TelegramActions]
send_voice [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Send a new voice message (ogg) to a specified chat.
sequence [TelegramActions]
Sequence a list of commands in the provided order
status_of_string [TelegramApi.ChatMember]
Extract the status out of a string
string_of_parse_mode [TelegramApi.ParseMode]
Get the string representation of a parse_mode
supergroup_chat_created [TelegramApi.BOT]
Called whenever a chat turns into a supergroup chat
supergroup_chat_created [Telegram.BotDefaults]

to_string [TelegramApi.ChatAction]
Gets the string representation of the action, for use in JSON
token [TelegramApi.BOT]
The API token to use for the bot.
token [Telegram.BotDefaults]
tokenize [TelegramApi.Command]
Turns a string into the args list that a command may choose to work with

unban_chat_member [TelegramActions]
unban_chat_member [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
Unban a given user from the given chat
url [TelegramApi.TELEGRAM_BOT]
The base url for all connections to the API

with_auth [TelegramApi.Command]
with_auth ~command makes a command only run when the caller is an admin in the chat